The Constitution of the Association for Business Simulation & Experiential Learning

  • Dated: June 2019
  • Reformatted for web readability: June 2019


  • The name of this organization shall be the Association for Business Simulation & Experiential Learning.
  • The purpose of this Association shall be to advance learning by encouraging the use, development, research, and assessment of simulations and experiential methods as applicable to the business environment.
  • The objectives of this Association shall be to:
    • Promote exploration and adaptation of innovative teaching techniques, new media, and methods of delivering simulation and experiential learning in a global environment.
    • Represent the professional and scholarly interests of the members through the sharing and dissemination of leading edge scholarship.


  • The Association recognizes four kinds of members:
    • A regular member is any person who has paid regular dues. Regular members may vote in Association elections and hold elective office.
    • A student member is any college student who has paid student dues. Student members may participate in the activities of the Association, but they may neither vote in Association elections nor hold elective office.
    • An emeritus member is a regular member who has retired and has paid emeritus dues. Emeritus members may participate in the activities of the Association, but they may neither vote in Association elections nor hold elective office.
    • A fellow is one who has been honored with this status in accordance with the Association’s By-Laws.


  • Composition:
    • President: Elected through succession from President Elect for a one year term.
    • President – Elect: Elected by the General Assembly for a one year term. Nomination for this position requires a minimum two years ABSEL Board experience.
    • Vice President and Program Chair:  Elected by the General Assembly for a one year term. Nomination for this position requires a minimum of two years ABSEL Board experience.
    • Vice President and Executive Director: Elected by the Board of Directors for a one year term. This position does not have a term limit.
    • Past President: Elected through succession from President for a one year term.
    • Treasurer:  Elected by the Board of Directors for a one year term. This position does not have a term limit. Nomination for this position requires a minimum two years ABSEL Board experience.
    • Dean of Fellows: Elected by the Fellows for a one year term. This position does not have a term limit.
    • Local Arrangement Chair: Elected by Board for a three year term. This position does not have a term limit.
    • Director of Communications and Webmaster: Elected by the General Assembly for a two year term. This position does not have a term limit.
    • Director of External Relations and Marketing: Elected by the General Assembly for a two year term. This position does not have a term limit.
    • Director of Internal Relations and Membership: Elected by the General Assembly for a two year term. This position does not have a term limit.
    • Proceedings Editor: Elected by the General Assembly for a one year term.
    • Director at Large: Four positions will be elected by the General Assembly for a two year term.
    • Track Chair: There will be a chair for each conference track elected by the General Assembly for a one year term.
  • Duties:
    • The Board of Directors shall be the final decision-making body of the Association.
    • It shall attend to the business of the Association.
    • It shall elect the Vice President and Executive Director and Local Arrangement Chair.
    • It shall approve expenditures according to fiscal responsibility guidelines.
    • It shall approve each year a Manual of Duties for officers of the Association.
    • It shall report its activities annually to the General Assembly.
  • Meetings:
    • The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice a year.
    • Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be chaired by the President, or in the President’s absence, by the President-Elect.
    •  The conduct of meetings shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised.
    • Only members of the Board of Directors may vote at its meetings.
  • Standing Committees:
    • Executive Committee —  Consists of the President (Committee Chair), President Elect, Past President, Director of Communication and Webmaster, Vice President and Program Chair, Vice President,  Treasurer – Ex Officio member, and Executive Director – Ex Officio member.
    • Communication Committee —  Consists of the Director of Communications and Webmaster (Committee Chair), Director of Internal Relations and Membership, Director of External Relations and Marketing, Vice President and Executive Director, and a Director at Large.
    • Conference Planning Committee — Consists of the Vice President and Program Chair (Committee Chair), Proceedings Editor, Local Arrangements Chair, Track Chairs, and a Director at Large.


  • Composition:
    • The General Assembly of the Association shall consist of all regular members attending the annual meeting of the Association.
  • Duties:
    •  The General Assembly shall elect the President Elect, Vice President and Program Chair, Proceeding Editor, Director of Communications and Webmaster, Director of Internal Relations and Membership, Director of External Relations and Marketing, Track Chairs, and Directors-at-Large as outlined in Board Composition.
    • Election shall be done at a General Assembly meeting or via email.
  • Meetings:
    •  The General Assembly shall meet at least once a year.
    • Meetings of the General Assembly shall be chaired by the President, or in the President’s absence, by the President-Elect.
    • The conduct of meetings shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised.
    • Only members of the General Assembly may vote at its meetings.


  • Composition:
    • The Fellows Assembly of the Association shall consist of all Association Fellows attending the annual meeting of the Association.
  • Duties:
    • The Fellows Assembly shall elect the Dean of Fellows.
  • Meetings:
    • The Fellows Assembly shall meet at least once a year.
    • Meetings of the Fellows Assembly shall be chaired by the Dean of Fellows.
    • The conduct of meetings shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order, Revised.
    • Only members of the Fellows Assembly may vote at its meetings.


  • Contracts:
    • The Vice President and Executive Director or the President is authorized to sign contractual agreements on behalf of ABSEL.
  • Expenditure Approval:
    • Expenditures up to $500.00 will be approved independently by the Vice President and Executive Director or the President.
    • Expenditures between $501.00 and $2000.00 will be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee taken either in person or via email.
    • Expenditures over $2000.00 will be approved by a majority vote of the ABSEL Board of Directors taken either in person or via email.
  • Conference Expenses:
    • The total of proposed conference expenses will be treated as a single expenditure, be presented as a total proposed budget prior to monetary commitments, and be approved according to fiscal accountability guidelines.
  • Administrative Expenses:
    • The total of proposed annual administrative expenses including but not limited to Simulation and Gaming subscriptions, web site maintenance, and membership overhead will be presented as a total proposed budget prior to monetary commitments and be approved according to fiscal accountability guidelines.


  • Quorums:
    • A Board Quorum consists of a minimum of 50% plus one of the board members as designated by the Constitution.
    • A General Assembly Quorum consists of the members present at a set and publicized General Assembly meeting or the members casting a vote during an email election.
    • A Committee Quorum consists of a minimum of 50% of the committee members as designated by the Constitution.
  • Methods:
    • Votes may be taken via hand votes in face to face meetings, secret ballots in face to face meetings or email/electronic.


  • The Association’s Manual of Duties shall be its By-Laws.


  • Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by the Board of Directors, or by any regular member with support of 10% of the regular membership. Amendments must be approved by a majority vote of the General Assembly.

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